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Recent content by TeamWithMe

  1. TeamWithMe

    Accepted SBD Buff Mystery Books

    Sorry thats a -1 from me because it will make it overpowered aand gkits are supposed to be very rare and valuable I think they should say its whatever percent it would work instead of saying its 25%.
  2. TeamWithMe

    Denied SBD Fly Boost

    -1 on my side sorry
  3. TeamWithMe

    Denied SBD Magic Wand

    -1 unnecessary
  4. TeamWithMe

    Denied SkyWars Add Anvil

    -1 -This is quite unnecessary and it will make skywars overpowered more than it already is.
  5. TeamWithMe

    25 $ Webshop giveaway !!!

    TeamWithMe TeamWithMe#9072
  6. TeamWithMe

    Denied Global Replacing Eggwars with Hide and Seek.

    surrvival games is a boring option I think Hide and Seek is rare now and would be a great opportunity for Jartex.
  7. TeamWithMe

    Denied Global Replacing Eggwars with Hide and Seek.

    Minecraft Username: TeamWithMe What is the suggestion about? Replacing Eggwars with Hide and Seek. Description: I thought of replacing eggwars with a better and more popular game mode, so i thought of replacing it with hide and seek, its a very popular and unique gamemode and only a few...
  8. TeamWithMe

    GiveAway Giveaway Winners

  9. TeamWithMe

    Denied Prison [Prison] Improving the whole prison system.

    Minecraft Username: TeamWithMe What is the suggestion about? Improving the whole prison system. Game-mode(s) / Platform(s): Prison Description: Lately in prison I've noticed that everyone maxes his/her pick and backpacks so early then get tons of money then quit straight away, so I've...
  10. TeamWithMe

    Old [Discord] Using Dyno bot to punish

    Only staff can use it.
  11. TeamWithMe

    Old [Discord] Using Dyno bot to punish

    What do u mean?
  12. TeamWithMe

    Old [Discord] Using Dyno bot to punish

    Ikr but it will help both sides.
  13. TeamWithMe

    Old [Discord] Using Dyno bot to punish

    Your In-Game Name: TeamWithMe What is your suggestion about?: Using Dyno bot to punish What game-mode is this suggestion for?: Discord Describe your suggestion: People on JartexNetwork discord always struggle trying to know what they were banned/kicked for, Dyno bot provides a private message...