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Recent content by -o7v-

  1. -o7v-

    i was get banned from skywar !

    Tbh by answering you are farming too seeing that someone already said no farm.. Dont judge if you do what they do...
  2. -o7v-

    Im back Blyet

    Im back Blyet
  3. -o7v-

    Denied Forums Labymod warning

    I suggest you allow damage indicators +1
  4. -o7v-

    Color chatting

    /chatcolor or do not remember command works too :P +1 Useful
  5. -o7v-

    Denied Store Unban purchases

    Will never be aceepted... Jartex needs the money
  6. -o7v-

    Denied Other HCF instead of UHC

    they be the lazy :(
  7. -o7v-

    Denied Other HCF instead of UHC

    then just add HCF
  8. -o7v-

    Denied Other HCF instead of UHC

    All KitPvP and Prac players plus most Faction pvp ers
  9. -o7v-

    Denied Other HCF instead of UHC

    Minecraft Username: o7v What is the suggestion about? HCF instead of UHC Description: So what is HCF It stands for Hardcore Faction and it is a pot fixed game where tnt does not exist and all the game play relies on your pvp and trapping skill. Seeing that I am not the master here is...
  10. -o7v-

    Ban on jartex network

    Make an appeal ?
  11. -o7v-

    I need 5 more posts

    Please avoid spam posting just respond to posts
  12. -o7v-

    Make factions overclaim enable

    Wrong forum go to SUGGESTIONS
  13. -o7v-

    Incompetence of Staff and Refusal to Ban Blatant Cheaters

    I watched the evidence and tbh i dont find it to be amazing proof.. Try always running OBS and when you run into someone suspicious you press on your rec button and rec the fight...
  14. -o7v-

    Fair PvP

    Rip players winstreaks FeelsBadMan
  15. -o7v-

    Minecraft without a mouse + A story

    Same happened to me but scroll wheel and during a scrim with my Team on CS..