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Recent content by mubinkhan

  1. mubinkhan

    Game Glitch

    Hey, that sounds frustrating! I've had something similar happen to me once. It might be a glitch in the game. Have you tried contacting their support team? Sometimes, they can help out with missing items. You can also look for some gaming guides, like this gambling guide I found. It has a lot of...
  2. mubinkhan

    what is the best way to make money on lifesteal??

    One approach that's worked well for me is focusing on high-value targets within games that offer lifesteal bonuses. By strategically honing in on these targets, I've been able to rack up some impressive gains. But it's not just limited to gaming. I've also found success by applying lifesteal...
  3. mubinkhan

    What's your favorite food?

    My favorite food has got to be pizza. It's just so versatile and delicious. Whether it's a classic Margherita or loaded with all my favorite toppings, I can never get enough. I've been to every brunch near me looking for the perfect pizza, but still, I've never eaten a better one than in Italy...
  4. mubinkhan

    Hamsters šŸ¹

    Hey there! As a fellow hamster owner, I completely agree with you about the importance of providing chew toys and sticks for our little furry friends. It's essential to keep their teeth healthy and prevent any dental issues that may arise. I recently stumbled upon an article on...