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Recent content by ItsBUCi

  1. ItsBUCi

    Denied maildelivery / gift command

    Minecraft Username: ItsBUCi What is your suggestion's title? maildelivery / gift command Suggestion Details: I was thnking that if there is a claimall button it would be very helpfull because iam sure everyone struggels to claim all their gifts and everytime the menu closes and you need...
  2. ItsBUCi

    which custom enchants can be used with bosses?

    Musc 8 , Rage 5 , Nutrition 3, Fast Turn 5, Plunder5 those are for swords for armor you can use Guarding 4 , Hardened 4 and you can use the ice wizard set to get 2x boss damage so you can kill the bosses faster
  3. ItsBUCi

    My inventory was cleared

    if you were in gold that means that you have lost all the items because in gold you lose items if you logg out in combat but if it happened in silver/bronze arena that means there was a problem with the server and for you to get the items back you need to contact staff and have proof that you...
  4. ItsBUCi

    how to cap the koth temple?

    Every time the koth temple starts you have to stay inside of it for 5 minutes and you can check when the koth starts by typing /koth next or /koth schedule and with the server time it will tell you when it spawns and when it spawns it sends the cordinates on the chat and you can go there and cap it
  5. ItsBUCi

    what !?!

    You need to be level 15 or above to be able to enter the Coal mines
  6. ItsBUCi

    Glitch/Bug idk...

    yeah even if iam not nitcked happends tho
  7. ItsBUCi

    Glitch/Bug idk...

    Well alot of people accusing me of hacking because i kill alot of invis i do that i do this its annoying so heres a video of how i can see invis people " " i mean its not my fault in the first place and even if this didnt happened iam not sure for others but badlion...
  8. ItsBUCi

    Denied Prison PrivateMines

    Minecraft Username: ItsBUCi What is the suggestion about? PrivateMines Description: It would be greate if there was an upgrade for PrivateMines so you can make them larger not them have allways 75x75 but upgrade them with Crystals to 100x100 or 125x125 or even higher maybe and to add to...
  9. ItsBUCi

    Denied [Prison] About Donor Mines

    Minecraft Username: BUCi What is your suggestion about?: About Donor Mines What section is this suggestion for?: Prison Describe your suggestion: Well since in Prison you can only sell one kind of blocks per mine like In Thug mine you can only sell iron blocks i wanted to suggest so you can sell...