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Recent content by GIACCRAFT

  1. G

    Denied SkyWars adding monsters as pets

  2. G

    Denied SkyWars Make Skywars Better

    No, no and no. Skywars are already so Bad, why would you add even worse equipment?
  3. G

    Denied SkyWars adding scout kit in jartex

    I mean, what would you need kits in skywars? Normal, Lunatic and Extreme mod are OP at the same way. They should eliminate Kits from skywars, they're unuseful.
  4. G

    BedWars Permanent Tools

    -1, it just doesn't make sense. Doing that you would change the entire modality, it would not be Bedwars longer.
  5. G

    Denied BedWars Bringing old maps back.

    +1, who cares where the maps come from? more maps is always better.
  6. G

    Denied BedWars monthly leaderboard

    Minecraft Username: GIACCRAFT What is the suggestion about? monthly leaderboard Description: If int he lobby of bedwars you go to the LEAD section, they show you all the best player of bedwars's life. It'd be cool if you added also the monthly leaderbord that get reset every month. How...
  7. G

    Internal SkyWars Balancing The Entire Game

    +++++++1 You're so Right. Come on the skywars we have now are so bad, too confusing and too loot. I think they should balance the chests, not the kits. In addition it doesn't make sense to be able to vote for Normal, Lunatic and Extreme, because Normal and Lunatic are never played couse the...
  8. G

    Internal SkyWars Balancing The Entire Game

    You Crazy, it's definitely not.
  9. G

    Denied SkyWars New Skywars Gamemode

    I've seen the old skywars, and you are right; they were really bad, but the ones we have now are even too much. The kills you can have in extreme mod or normal are the same, because the number of players is the same. Those Skywars are too OP, not everyone likes them.
  10. G

    Denied SkyWars New Skywars Gamemode

    Minecraft Username: GIACCRAFT What is the suggestion about? New Skywars Gamemode Description: Skywars Extreme Mod is too OP, and all palyers always vote for it, so that Normal Mode is never played. But the real skywars aren't that OP, they should be more simple, without chests filled up...
  11. G

    Denied SkyWars new skywars

    Minecraft Username: giaccraft What is the suggestion about? new skywars Description: i think the new updated skywars are too OP. you should change the items in something less OP, just normal, no enchantments, no strong weapons... How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork...
  12. G

    Denied SkyWars SkyWars Kill Sound & Effect

    i like the DING but, i really disagree with effects!
  13. G


    I must say you really respected my suggestions... Everyone was concerned about not making the game too OP. And what did you do? You made it OP( of course ), All i wanna ask is WHY. We didn't ask for strong potions or super enchanted armors, so WHY did you add them?
  14. G


    Well, i must say that after all these comments skywars really need an update. It doesn't metter what they'll update, the important thing is to change something to that server.