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Recent content by EMF123

  1. EMF123

    my gold currency was in minus

    L kid imagine spending money on a cracked mc server.
  2. EMF123

    Bridging Mode

    -1, they won't add any new modes or update prac any time soon.
  3. EMF123


  4. EMF123

    dumb fish sardine, you stink !

    dumb fish sardine, you stink !
  5. EMF123

    Denied Flat maps for practice

    +1 this would be great for practice, we don't play for the maps we play to pvp.
  6. EMF123

    Boss you are very seksy and cool :cool:

    Boss you are very seksy and cool :cool:
  7. EMF123

    Denied Clans in Practice

    Good suggestion, I have thought about this as well but the only thing is how will it work? What rewards will you get? This would need to be added in a bigger update as well, like a reset. Still, a +1 because I like the idea
  8. EMF123

    Update KitPvP - Reset | March The 25th 2023

    Nice KITPVP reset, but where is the practice reset? IMO more needed than this.
  9. EMF123

    Denied Hunger games

    suggested in the past and accepted, never made it into an event tho :/
  10. EMF123

    Denied Hunger games

    qubow suggested this about a year ago and it was accepted, I'm guessing they will do it sometime soon, unless they just decided to not do it. For this reason, I will stay neutral.
  11. EMF123

    Pablo Chain

  12. EMF123

    Pablo Chain

  13. EMF123

    Accepted Void

    I think it would be fun but saying sw and bw are the PVP player base is disrespectful considering there are modes like practice...
  14. EMF123

    Event Discord Mini-Games; The Discord championship.

    I will upvote this suggestion because I like the idea, only thing I don't like about it is that it would take way too much time to complete. If there are any tournaments that are this style that can be hosted on discord it would be fun.
  15. EMF123

    Denied Already Suggested Adding Boxing to PracticePVP

    ill change to +1 just because I like the idea and I see what you mean. although I still think its better if they reset prac and then add new modes with that reset.