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Recent content by EasyEl

  1. EasyEl

    Auto-Clicker Grinding

    Just found someone at natty_sword's blaze grinder.. i believe he's using auto-clicker because when items' animation is slow when clicking, that means that the player is clicking very fast (which mostly happens when you have Haste 255 ). The Proof will be posted at my Channel : "SCGAndMore"...
  2. EasyEl

    Island Bug?

    Yep, I'm the island leader but its fixed now..
  3. EasyEl

    Island Bug?

    IM on skyblock fantasy made a fresh island...we got spawners from crates and blocks to place... we placed everyting.. were so happy we get to be on is top! but one problem is... i cant do /is w! It kept saying.. "You will need an island to execute this command" IDK what to do pls help... theres...
  4. EasyEl

    TP Trapper Trapped On top Of Spawn????

    So i was just grindin' when this guy "Artist0" Tried to tp trap me (disclaimer: i already knew he was to trap me) then i got ready... removed all the items from my inventory. i sent a tp request because he's old request expired. He accepted it then i got teleported on top of spawn ABOVE the...