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Recent content by Bilaso123

  1. Bilaso123

    Denied Fireball

    Minecraft Username: Bilaso123 What is the suggestion about? Fireball Description: Hello, I'm playing a lot of bedwars on this server, but one thing that i don't like and it is really annoying is that you can't fireball jump as well, and when you throw fireball its going in weird...
  2. Bilaso123

    Denied TheBridge "The Bridge"

    Minecraft Username: Bilaso123 What is the suggestion about? "The Bridge" Description: Hello guys, I was thinking a little bit and you can add the real bridge, I know its hard but it would be great improvement. How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork? A lot of new players would...
  3. Bilaso123

    What's the best way for earning money?

    Hello, I'm new to Sky Block Fantasy, and i wanted to ask you: "What's the best way to earn money?". I saw some people saying mob farms and that stuff, but I wanted something which can do "new player", but which will get a lot of money!
  4. Bilaso123

    BedWars TNT-JUMP

    Hhahah you must be pro :>
  5. Bilaso123

    Denied Group-searching channel

    Minecraft Username: Bilaso123 What is the suggestion about? Group-searching channel Description: Hello, I saw a lot of messages at the main-chat where people ask if anyone wants to play with them, so I was wondering if you could add a channel to search for teammates, that doesnt take much...
  6. Bilaso123

    BedWars TNT-JUMP

    Hello everyone, i just did 3-tnt jump, and i started thinking: What is number of most tnts you can tnt-jump with. So i came here and i want to ask you what's your record!!!
  7. Bilaso123

    BedWars BUG ON NEW MAP

    There is a bug on map which looks like wild west, where when you spawn, infront of your "spawn house" are 6 sings, which you can pick up and place wherever you want!
  8. Bilaso123

    BedWars New Bedwars Montage

    Bro you are SO GOOD!! Good luck with your channel, you got sub from me<3
  9. Bilaso123

    BedWars Bedwars life hack.

    Actually every single client would work like that, because generators are "people" for computer, and thats impossible to make something that's working versus generators xD
  10. Bilaso123

    BedWars Bedwars life hack.

    I discovered that too, and thats VERY useful!
  11. Bilaso123


    Maybe you add it in this update, but I would like to see generator impovement where you get after every 4th iron 1 gold, so we can rush with 64 wool and 1 tnt (16 iron and 4 gold)!!!!!
  12. Bilaso123


    Hello, i see bedwars is down, probably because of updating, so does someone know whats the time of updating (when we can play again)?