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About me:

My name is Andrew, a twelve year old experienced Minecraft player. I've owned my account for over 2 years and hope to earn even another year to add to that. I've been in love with Minecraft for as long as I can remember and I'm really glad I found the game. I currently live in the USA, and even though this is a Dutch server I really enjoy playing on it.

Likes & Dislikes:

I currently enjoy reading books, watching long TV shows and playing Minecraft. I also really enjoy playing with friends and writing. They're all really fun things for me and I sincerely enjoy doing them. I only wish that everyone could find something they love to do, because there is something for everyone. I absolutely hate cheaters and people who make things unfair for other people. I believe in justice, and being able to give it, and help to anyone who needs it is so amazing.

Why did I join Jartex/where can you find me:

I joined the Jartex Network because I wanted a new place to play. I was bored of most servers I had been playing on. I also have a good friend who is a Moderator here, @Whush_. I love playing with my friends and that's another reason I joined Jartex. I also love Skyblock and I wanted a new server to play that on, I've played Skyblock for a while and I plan to play for a while on Skyblock here as well.

You'll either see me on Skyblock, KitPvP, or Skywars. I'll rarely be on other servers as I love to prioritize where I spend my time. I have set many future goals for myself and I hope to achieve them as time goes on.

How to contact me:

For one, you can just about always PM me on the forums! I'm on them 5-10 times a day and there's a chance I'll reply quite quickly to you. You can also leave a message on my profile or ask for my Skype. I'm a pretty friendly person and I love meeting and talking to new people.

Thanks for reading about my boring self! I really do appreciate anyone reading this taking time out of their day to do that for me.

angyma | Andrew.

Being cooler than Whush




  1. 4

    First month together!

    You've been registered for 31 days.
  2. 2

    Somebody Likes You. First like received.

    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  3. 1

    First Message.

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.