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List of commands to use in factions


January 9, 2024
Hi nezooo99 !

What commands do you need? I can help you and explain what is the use of what if you tell me which commands you do not understand.
Of course, you can use /help directly on the server for help with commands.


January 12, 2022

Main Steps​

Getting started can be a very easy task for some but can be hard for others as well. Which is why we’d like to introduce you to the most important steps to take in order to get your factions journey started!

The first thing you want to do is create your own faction by typing /f create [FactionName]. This way, you will be able to start building your empire by letting other players join your faction. Each player faction has many features! Make sure to read our documentation about faction management for more details.

Once you have setup your player faction, we highly suggest you to vote for the Network by typing /vote, and following the voting procedure for each one of the voting sites. By doing so, you will be rewarded with a voting crate key and in-game currency. You may use these voting crate keys to open up your first crates, and if you get lucky, you may even win a player rank voucher!


Get Your Economy Started​

The best way to get money is to harvest the custom crops that we offer, these crops can be purchased through the /shop menu. Here you have the option to choose custom crops, such as hamburgers, blueberries, pineapples, lollipops, amongst others! The way you harvest them is by making a simple farm and planting the respective seeds, and once you see the hamburger head, that means they are fully grown and you are now able to break them. You may then replant them, with the heads you get. In order too sell them, simply type /shop, select the custom crops section and middle click the hamburger head, this way you will sell all of the hamburger heads in your inventory!


We also highly suggest you to go to the /warp darkzone. Here you can fight against our special bosses that spawn every hour, and the top 3 damagers obtain a boss loot bag, which can hide items of great importance and value, such as special sets, spawners, money, masks, amongst others!


Another great way to get started is by going to the /koth (king of the hill) with your faction. The KOTH feature lets your faction fight against other worthy opponents in order to claim the hill. If your faction remain the kings of the hills for 5 minutes, you will win the grand reward! This reward will contain many different items, including money! From the koth loot table you can obtain great loot such as special sets, our newest KOTH special set, our newest pets, ranks, gkits and more!


You can kill mobs like blazes for xp but if you enjoy the pvping action, make sure to store all of your experience in a safe vault by typing /expbottle [amount], because once you die, you will loose all of your experience. Although, those players with the Champion rank will always keep their experience, this detail may be helpful in the future!

Obtaining Rewards​

By typing the command /warp crates you can find a variety of crates. You may obtain free crate keys by voting for us through the command /vote in game. But you may also obtain keys through our in game rewards or our online store!

One of the ways for you to obtain more keys and rewards is through the command /levels. By typing this command, you will be able to view all of the levels available, and in order to reach these levels, you must complete a variety of tasks ranging from easy and quick, to hard and time consuming.

Command(s): /ah, /auctionhouse, /auction

This custom feature lets you and other players purchase and sell their items to the factions community!


Player Duels​

Command(s): /duel, /duel invite [player], /duel accept [player]

Player duels are one of our newest features on Jartex Network immortal factions. With this feature, you are able to duel your friends, and enemies as well! These duels can either be friendly; in which you get your items back if you lose. Or they can be winner keeps the loser's items. It can surely be a very intense mode where you have to try your hardest to beat your opponent, so be ready to break a leg. Apart from the duel, you are also able to place money and experience bets!


Statistics & Leaderboards​

Command(s): /stats, /f top, /payouts, /warp leaderboards

Here on JartexNetwork we count with payouts for the TOP Factions. Those factions who manage to place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd every 2 weeks get rewarded with our in-game currency iron, and with paypal balance for the last payout of the game mode's season. We also have leaderboards to display the top #10 players/factions of the respective category.


Custom Enchantments​

Command(s): /ce, /customenchants

In order for us to increase the opportunities and diversity of the game mode, we also count with custom enchantments! There are a total of 5 different custom enchantment rarities, and surely, the more rare an enchantment is, the better overall potential it will have. The rarities of the enchantments are the following: Common, Uncommon, Epic, Unique, Legendary.


Ranks are one of the most important things to have on Immortal Factions. With these ranks you get access to a bunch of commands, such as: /kit, /nightvision, /craft, /hat, and even /fly! You will also have the ability to set more homes and have more player vaults according to the rank level you have. The better the rank, the more homes, player vaults, and perks you'll be granted! Within this page, we will provide you with further details regarding 5 of our top ranks.

There are gkit vouchers that, if u claim do /gkit to acces.

Creating and starting a faction can be very easy for some, while not so much for others. In order to create a faction all you have to do is type the command /f create [name] and you will have created your own faction, in which you can perform a variety of commands and events, such as inviting your friends, building your own base, raiding other factions and even more! The benefits of having your own faction is the fact that you get access to a lot of new commands, as well as having to lead your own faction to the faction TOP #1 position, which can be a quite challenging and difficult goal to achieve. Within this guide, we will provide you with some of the most useful commands related to the player factions.

Useful Commands​

  • /f invite - With this command you can invite your friends or recruit players into your faction.
  • /f claim - With this command you will be able to claim your own land within the wilderness, which means other players won't be able to grief your base unless they raid it with a cannon or crepeer eggs.
  • /f sethome - When you claim your land make sure to set a faction home. This allows you and your faction members to warp to the faction's home, where you can store your loot and build farms.
  • /f setwarp - The faction warps let you go around your base quicker, and are a very good perk to have. This means that you can instantly teleport to your farm, or teleport to your trap, and so on.
  • /f perks - The faction perks give you access to a lot of abilities and permissions, such as letting you have permanent strength effects in your claims or a permanent haste and regen effects, amongst others. These perks can be purchased with faction tokens. You must also make sure to give permissions only to the people you trust the most, and not everyone.
  • /f coords - This command automatically sends your coordinates within your faction chat, this way your teammates can get to your location in-case you are trapped.
  • /printer - Allows you to go into creative mode within your own claims, which is a much better and faster way to print cannons in.
  • /f promote - Lets you promote your faction members.
  • /f demote - Lets you demote your faction members.
  • /f kick - Lets you kick your faction members.
  • /f logs - Lets you see what commands your faction members have typed, and who has been accessing your faction's vaults/chests.
  • WARNING: Never grant an unknown player a high role within your faction. As these can cause your faction to be insided, and therefore you will lose a lot of value and progress.

Aside from the leaderboards, you are also able to view your personal statistics by typing the command /stats. These statistics will include the most important categories. You are not only able to view your lifetime statistics, but your weekly, and monthly statistics as well!

When raiding other factions, you must make sure you register a raid claim by typing the command /f raidclaim, this is a claim used for raids only, and if you don’t register the raid claim while performing the raid, your faction will be striked.

WARNING: Faction strikes are punishments against your faction. Accumulating a specific amount of strikes will lead to your faction being disqualified from any potential competition and payout.

f you are Pvping alone always make sure to carry obsidian blocks and a pickaxe with you, given how many players will attempt to steal your loot, therefore the best way to escape is running into wilderness and setting a small base by typing /f claim and blocking yourself in.

Make sure to always carry many gapples and normal golden apples with you whilst you are pvping, as well as a lot of potions, which you can buy in the /pots shop.

by the way, i just copied all this from . I hope this helps :).


January 12, 2022

Main Steps​

Getting started can be a very easy task for some but can be hard for others as well. Which is why we’d like to introduce you to the most important steps to take in order to get your factions journey started!

The first thing you want to do is create your own faction by typing /f create [FactionName]. This way, you will be able to start building your empire by letting other players join your faction. Each player faction has many features! Make sure to read our documentation about faction management for more details.

Once you have setup your player faction, we highly suggest you to vote for the Network by typing /vote, and following the voting procedure for each one of the voting sites. By doing so, you will be rewarded with a voting crate key and in-game currency. You may use these voting crate keys to open up your first crates, and if you get lucky, you may even win a player rank voucher!


Get Your Economy Started​

The best way to get money is to harvest the custom crops that we offer, these crops can be purchased through the /shop menu. Here you have the option to choose custom crops, such as hamburgers, blueberries, pineapples, lollipops, amongst others! The way you harvest them is by making a simple farm and planting the respective seeds, and once you see the hamburger head, that means they are fully grown and you are now able to break them. You may then replant them, with the heads you get. In order too sell them, simply type /shop, select the custom crops section and middle click the hamburger head, this way you will sell all of the hamburger heads in your inventory!


We also highly suggest you to go to the /warp darkzone. Here you can fight against our special bosses that spawn every hour, and the top 3 damagers obtain a boss loot bag, which can hide items of great importance and value, such as special sets, spawners, money, masks, amongst others!


Another great way to get started is by going to the /koth (king of the hill) with your faction. The KOTH feature lets your faction fight against other worthy opponents in order to claim the hill. If your faction remain the kings of the hills for 5 minutes, you will win the grand reward! This reward will contain many different items, including money! From the koth loot table you can obtain great loot such as special sets, our newest KOTH special set, our newest pets, ranks, gkits and more!


You can kill mobs like blazes for xp but if you enjoy the pvping action, make sure to store all of your experience in a safe vault by typing /expbottle [amount], because once you die, you will loose all of your experience. Although, those players with the Champion rank will always keep their experience, this detail may be helpful in the future!

Obtaining Rewards​

By typing the command /warp crates you can find a variety of crates. You may obtain free crate keys by voting for us through the command /vote in game. But you may also obtain keys through our in game rewards or our online store!

One of the ways for you to obtain more keys and rewards is through the command /levels. By typing this command, you will be able to view all of the levels available, and in order to reach these levels, you must complete a variety of tasks ranging from easy and quick, to hard and time consuming.

Command(s): /ah, /auctionhouse, /auction

This custom feature lets you and other players purchase and sell their items to the factions community!


Player Duels​

Command(s): /duel, /duel invite [player], /duel accept [player]

Player duels are one of our newest features on Jartex Network immortal factions. With this feature, you are able to duel your friends, and enemies as well! These duels can either be friendly; in which you get your items back if you lose. Or they can be winner keeps the loser's items. It can surely be a very intense mode where you have to try your hardest to beat your opponent, so be ready to break a leg. Apart from the duel, you are also able to place money and experience bets!


Statistics & Leaderboards​

Command(s): /stats, /f top, /payouts, /warp leaderboards

Here on JartexNetwork we count with payouts for the TOP Factions. Those factions who manage to place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd every 2 weeks get rewarded with our in-game currency iron, and with paypal balance for the last payout of the game mode's season. We also have leaderboards to display the top #10 players/factions of the respective category.


Custom Enchantments​

Command(s): /ce, /customenchants

In order for us to increase the opportunities and diversity of the game mode, we also count with custom enchantments! There are a total of 5 different custom enchantment rarities, and surely, the more rare an enchantment is, the better overall potential it will have. The rarities of the enchantments are the following: Common, Uncommon, Epic, Unique, Legendary.


Ranks are one of the most important things to have on Immortal Factions. With these ranks you get access to a bunch of commands, such as: /kit, /nightvision, /craft, /hat, and even /fly! You will also have the ability to set more homes and have more player vaults according to the rank level you have. The better the rank, the more homes, player vaults, and perks you'll be granted! Within this page, we will provide you with further details regarding 5 of our top ranks.

There are gkit vouchers that, if u claim do /gkit to acces.

Creating and starting a faction can be very easy for some, while not so much for others. In order to create a faction all you have to do is type the command /f create [name] and you will have created your own faction, in which you can perform a variety of commands and events, such as inviting your friends, building your own base, raiding other factions and even more! The benefits of having your own faction is the fact that you get access to a lot of new commands, as well as having to lead your own faction to the faction TOP #1 position, which can be a quite challenging and difficult goal to achieve. Within this guide, we will provide you with some of the most useful commands related to the player factions.

Useful Commands​

  • /f invite - With this command you can invite your friends or recruit players into your faction.
  • /f claim - With this command you will be able to claim your own land within the wilderness, which means other players won't be able to grief your base unless they raid it with a cannon or crepeer eggs.
  • /f sethome - When you claim your land make sure to set a faction home. This allows you and your faction members to warp to the faction's home, where you can store your loot and build farms.
  • /f setwarp - The faction warps let you go around your base quicker, and are a very good perk to have. This means that you can instantly teleport to your farm, or teleport to your trap, and so on.
  • /f perks - The faction perks give you access to a lot of abilities and permissions, such as letting you have permanent strength effects in your claims or a permanent haste and regen effects, amongst others. These perks can be purchased with faction tokens. You must also make sure to give permissions only to the people you trust the most, and not everyone.
  • /f coords - This command automatically sends your coordinates within your faction chat, this way your teammates can get to your location in-case you are trapped.
  • /printer - Allows you to go into creative mode within your own claims, which is a much better and faster way to print cannons in.
  • /f promote - Lets you promote your faction members.
  • /f demote - Lets you demote your faction members.
  • /f kick - Lets you kick your faction members.
  • /f logs - Lets you see what commands your faction members have typed, and who has been accessing your faction's vaults/chests.
  • WARNING: Never grant an unknown player a high role within your faction. As these can cause your faction to be insided, and therefore you will lose a lot of value and progress.

Aside from the leaderboards, you are also able to view your personal statistics by typing the command /stats. These statistics will include the most important categories. You are not only able to view your lifetime statistics, but your weekly, and monthly statistics as well!

When raiding other factions, you must make sure you register a raid claim by typing the command /f raidclaim, this is a claim used for raids only, and if you don’t register the raid claim while performing the raid, your faction will be striked.

f you are Pvping alone always make sure to carry obsidian blocks and a pickaxe with you, given how many players will attempt to steal your loot, therefore the best way to escape is running into wilderness and setting a small base by typing /f claim and blocking yourself in.

Make sure to always carry many gapples and normal golden apples with you whilst you are pvping, as well as a lot of potions, which you can buy in the /pots shop.

by the way, i just copied all this from . I hope this helps :).
Bro I’m such a nerd 😂 lol defenetly didn’t copy and paste from Wiki
