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Helpful Forums Reporters Guide

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September 20, 2021
Hello, welcome to the "How to Report" Community Assistance thread.
Here I will be explaining into detail how to report someone and will make sure to give you as many tips as possible to make your reporting career easier. I will be separating this thread into more categories in the respective way:

• 1. In what case a chat rule its punishable according to JartexNetwork Global Rules
• 2. How to report more people in a short period of time ( Gameplay Reports and Chat Reports );
• 3. What Chat Filter is and how to use it;
• 4. Rewards for Reporting.

In case you remark that I forgot to mention something in this Thread or you would like to suggest it please make sure to DM me at: David123_vip1#4637 or in my forums conversation. In case you want to ask anything regarding any point mentioned in here feel free to contact me or a Staff Member. This Thread is made not only for starters but for medium and high level of reporters.


1. In what case something its punishable according to JartexNetwork Global Rules.

a) Chat Flood: Chat flood is basically when a player types random characters or type a message in 4/5 or more messages that could be written in 1 full messages in order to flood the chat in a way or other. In case you see someone spamming random characters in a short period of time like 2/3 times of 14 or lower amount of characters could also lead to a punishment of the player.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
assdsssdwerttyy ( 15 characters or more )
*after some seconds*

b) DDos/Dox Threats: Threating a player that you have their personal information, their IP adress or anything similar even if its a joke or not.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
I have your IP
I know your address noob
I will post on social media all info i know about you

c) Discrimination/Racism/Sexim: This rule doesn't allow players to a user insults someone by being racist, discriminative or sexist towards a member.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
The n word, f word (homophobic slur), slave, or any other way to bypass the word n word or others that respects the context.

d) Distributing/Asking for Nudes: doesn't allow players to ask or distributes nudes or nude related stuff as only fans, or others.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
Can i have your onlyfans?
Can i have boobs pics?
Can i see your body?

e) Excessive Caps: This rule doesn't allow players to type 5 or more messages in caps lock or more then 15 characters in caps lock. Also writing in a short period of time more messages in caps that are not 5 or more messages or 15 characters or more could lead to a punishment.
Examples of cases that are punishable:

f) Foreign Language: This rule doesn't allow players to talk in any language without it being in English and its not punishable for commonly used words if alone such as: Bounjour, Salute, Hola, etc.

g) General Rudeness: This rule doesn't allow players to insult each other in any way altho toxicity is allowed. Also be aware that general rudeness is not punishable in the gamemode Factions and you can insult the server or anything that is not a member/player, ex: Fuck you jartex, mf jartex hitreg, etc... .
Examples of cases that are punishable:
Fuck you, fuck u, fck u, bitch, beach ( depending on context ), mf ( depending on context ), mother fucker, bitchass, stfu, shut the fuck up, dumbass, cunt, son of a bitch, twat, dickhead, pussy, or any other way to bypass this words

h) Inappropriate Language/Behavior: This rule doesn't allow players to be inappropriate/sexual in any way possible.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
dick, pussy ( if in a sexual context ), penis, vagina, boobs ( if in a sexual context ), cock, testicles, masturbation, jizz, anus, porn, porn hub, jerk off, suck my dick, fucked your mom last night, or any other way to bypass this words

i) Light Advertising: This rule doesn't allow players to write the name of any server that is not from Crafti Games ( PikaNetwork, JartexNetwork, Brutal Prison, SnapCraft ) or Hypixel as its the most popular server of Minecraft.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
Come to <server name>
This server sucks, lets switch to <server name>

j) Spamming: This rule doesn't allow players to write send the same or similar message 3 or more times in a row in order to not flood the chat. Be aware that sending "gg" in practice pvp as a "fair play" reply after every game won/lost shouldn't lead to a punishment altho some staff members may punish you. If that happens ask a higher staff member to remove your punishment.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
hey my name is david
hey my name is david
hey my name is david ( if the user send 3 or more times the same message in a short period of time aka 30 seconds its punishable )
David David David ( in same message )

h) Swearing with a disease/disability: This rule doesn't allow players to use any kind of disease or disability to attack a player. Be aware that saying it not directed to a player ex: "smh this retarded hitreg", etc. is not punishable and stating that you have a disease/disability its not punishable.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
retard, braindead, autistic, autism, cancer ( if respecting the context of insult ), dwarfistic, epileptic

i) Death and Suicide Threats: This rule doesn't allow players to wish death or suicide of anyone in any way if related to in real life suicide or death.

Examples of cases that are punishable:
kys, kill your self, jump of a cliff, shoot your self, hope your parents die, commit suicide.

In case you would like to include any other more words or examples for the "Examples of cases that are punishable" list make sure to DM me.


2. How to report more people in a short period of time ( Gameplay Reports and Chat Reports );

In this part I will be explaining and giving you some tips of how to report people more efficiently for both Chat Reports and Gameplay Reports, so I will divide this part into 2 sub-parts, one called "Gameplay reports" and other called "Chat reports".

A) Gameplay reports:

a) Switching Lobbies while having Tab toggled Technique:

This technique was one of the most used ones by me when I was still grinding for Badges and its pretty efficient, altho their anti cheat has got better and better recently. In order to do this all you will need to do is to go to lobby by using the command /lobby or /hub and hold Tab all time ( if there is any way you can toggle the Tab Key it would be even better ) and switch from lobby one to two, three, and so on till lobby 7 and do it again for some more times. What you will want to see in tab are users using hacked client that their usernames already tell that example:
- FDP clients ( Their usernames are all similar to this structure: FDPxx_xxxx or FxDxP_xxx ) x meaning a random character (alphanumeric ones)

Demonstration: View:

Tips: The usernames of FDP usernames will usually be places in the first list of usernames when opening tab as its one of the 1st letters of the alphabet so look at the first column more. A screen shot of their username its enough to get them banned from the server.

b) Switching Lobbies v2:
This one is similar to the other one stated above altho in this one you will need to watch every player you see in lobby and investigate their movements, if you see something suspect you can just start recording and report them in forums.

c) Punishments List:
This technique is very efficient and doesn't require a lot of work. You will simply open the Punishment List and select "Kicks" ( Every time you want you can reload it and maybe you will be able to see someone in the list that got kicked that either has a hacked client ( fdp's mostly as stated in a) ) or inappropriate usernames. After seeing those in the list you can simply issue the command /find <username> and if the user got online back you can simply report them in forums. Follow the following steps:




Tips for Diamond/Crystal ranked people: if you see a username that just got kicked from a minigame gamemode in Punishments List you can simply use the command /find <username> and see if they went back to that respective minigame, spectate and report them.

d) Spleef Kit:
Spleef is one of the kits where players camp the most as they can simply do it by glitching or just staying in the corner of arena and destroy all blocks near. Joining Spleef games can also give you free reports for inappropriate buildings as they can draw things in the snow too.

e) KitPvP Pearl Glitchers:
In the gamemode KitPvP you can find a lot of users that pearl glitch into blocks to kill you while you are in a safe box or just simply to get out faster from something. I would suggest you getting a alt account and leaving it in a box where people mostly pvp at and turn on OBS

B) Chat Reports:

a) Practice PvP AFK:

Simply staying afk recording the chat of the game with a recording software, preferable OBS as its simple and very professional. While that you can simply watch a movie or do whatever you want and you dont even need to stay specifically on mc window, OBS has a feature that allows you to record only 1 tab/window/application and not the entire screen. When you consider checking the recording you can simply spam skip the 30 seconds button, in case you dont feel yet good at fast detecting if a user broke a chat rule or not you can simply skip 30 seconds then pass fast with your eyes the words that people wrote and skip other 30 seconds and so on. Its important to skip 30 seconds and not any more or less since 30 seconds its usually how much it takes for a full page of chat to disapear from your screen. The chat should be opened like this:

You may also use the mod made by _Wiggels _Wiggels that has many features that may help you while chat reporting ( )

Extra information: You can also use Chat Filter stated in point 3 of this Guide to distinguish better what they say in chat.

3. What Chat Filter is and how to use it:
Chat Filter is a mod that is capable of separating and detect the certain message/word/text you wrote inside the filter and warn you that it got detected either with pings that you can manually set the sound, separating the text message into a other text box or mark with an other color the text message.
In the demonstration down below I will be explaining how to set up it.

Steps to set it up:
a) Select title of the filter, preferable the word you want to filter inside the respective filter, ex: if the word you want to filter is "word" the title name of filter should be "word".
b) Includes: In includes you should include the word you would like to filter, in this case I used the word "word".
c) Does not Include: In Does not Include you should put any message that is not similar to the one filtered, i prefer using a dot. In the example down below i used "."

Optional Configurations:
a) Play Sound: inside that section you are able to set any minecraft noteblock sound so when the filter detects something it will use the sound to warn you.
b) Highlight: with this feature you are able to eye-catch what you have set in the filter easier and it will change the background of the specific filtered message into a manually set color.



4. Rewards for Reporting
As a reporter you are able to get some roles such as: Active Reporter, Great Reporter and Sr. Reporter ( discord ) and Great Reporter ( in forums ) in case you meet the following requirements:

Discord roles requirements:
• Active Reporter: Chat Reports: [50] - Gameplay: [30]
• Great Reporter: Chat Reports: [120] - Gameplay Reports: [70]
• Senior Reporter: Chat Reports: [375] - Gameplay Reports: [150]

Forums role requirement:
Great Reporter:

Minimum 25 chat & 150 gameplay / 50 chat & 100 gameplay / 100 chat & 50 gameplay ACCEPTED reports.
Alright I guess that is all I wanted to include or this is the majority of the stuff I wanted to write in this Guide. Would like to give credits to:

Gurnoor_Live Gurnoor_Live for helping with some suggestions
toastt_x toastt_x for inspiring me on what I do
CR7811149 CR7811149 for the mopmop mod addition to the guide
Last edited:


June 5, 2022
Hello, welcome to the "How to Report" Community Assistance thread.
Here I will be explaining into detail how to report someone and will make sure to give you as many tips as possible to make your reporting career easier. I will be separating this thread into more categories in the respective way:

• 1. In what case a chat rule its punishable according to JartexNetwork Global Rules
• 2. How to report more people in a short period of time ( Gameplay Reports and Chat Reports );
• 3. What Chat Filter is and how to use it;
• 4. Rewards for Reporting.

In case you remark that I forgot to mention something in this Thread or you would like to suggest it please make sure to DM me at: David123_vip1#4637 or in my forums conversation. In case you want to ask anything regarding any point mentioned in here feel free to contact me or a Staff Member. This Thread is made not only for starters but for medium and high level of reporters.


1. In what case something its punishable according to JartexNetwork Global Rules.

a) Chat Flood: Chat flood is basically when a player types random characters or type a message in 4/5 or more messages that could be written in 1 full messages in order to flood the chat in a way or other. In case you see someone spamming random characters in a short period of time like 2/3 times of 14 or lower amount of characters could also lead to a punishment of the player.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
assdsssdwerttyy ( 15 characters or more )
*after some seconds*

b) DDos/Dox Threats: Threating a player that you have their personal information, their IP adress or anything similar even if its a joke or not.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
I have your IP
I know your address noob
I will post on social media all info i know about you

c) Discrimination/Racism/Sexim: This rule doesn't allow players to a user insults someone by being racist, discriminative or sexist towards a member.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
The n word, f word (homophobic slur), slave, or any other way to bypass the word n word or others that respects the context.

d) Distributing/Asking for Nudes: doesn't allow players to ask or distributes nudes or nude related stuff as only fans, or others.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
Can i have your onlyfans?
Can i have boobs pics?
Can i see your body?

e) Excessive Caps: This rule doesn't allow players to type 5 or more messages in caps lock or more then 15 characters in caps lock. Also writing in a short period of time more messages in caps that are not 5 or more messages or 15 characters or more could lead to a punishment.
Examples of cases that are punishable:

f) Foreign Language: This rule doesn't allow players to talk in any language without it being in English and its not punishable for commonly used words if alone such as: Bounjour, Salute, Hola, etc.

g) General Rudeness: This rule doesn't allow players to insult each other in any way altho toxicity is allowed. Also be aware that general rudeness is not punishable in the gamemode Factions and you can insult the server or anything that is not a member/player, ex: Fuck you jartex, mf jartex hitreg, etc... .
Examples of cases that are punishable:
Fuck you, fuck u, fck u, bitch, beach ( depending on context ), mf ( depending on context ), mother fucker, bitchass, stfu, shut the fuck up, dumbass, cunt, son of a bitch, twat, dickhead, pussy, or any other way to bypass this words

h) Inappropriate Language/Behavior: This rule doesn't allow players to be inappropriate/sexual in any way possible.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
dick, pussy ( if in a sexual context ), penis, vagina, boobs ( if in a sexual context ), cock, testicles, masturbation, jizz, anus, porn, porn hub, jerk off, suck my dick, fucked your mom last night, or any other way to bypass this words

i) Light Advertising: This rule doesn't allow players to write the name of any server that is not from Crafti Games ( PikaNetwork, JartexNetwork, Brutal Prison, SnapCraft ) or Hypixel as its the most popular server of Minecraft.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
Come to <server name>
This server sucks, lets switch to <server name>

j) Spamming: This rule doesn't allow players to write send the same or similar message 3 or more times in a row in order to not flood the chat. Be aware that sending "gg" in practice pvp as a "fair play" reply after every game won/lost shouldn't lead to a punishment altho some staff members may punish you. If that happens ask a higher staff member to remove your punishment.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
hey my name is david
hey my name is david
hey my name is david ( if the user send 3 or more times the same message in a short period of time aka 30 seconds its punishable )
David David David ( in same message )

h) Swearing with a disease/disability: This rule doesn't allow players to use any kind of disease or disability to attack a player. Be aware that saying it not directed to a player ex: "smh this retarded hitreg", etc. is not punishable and stating that you have a disease/disability its not punishable.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
retard, braindead, autistic, autism, cancer ( if respecting the context of insult ), dwarfistic, epileptic

i) Death and Suicide Threats: This rule doesn't allow players to wish death or suicide of anyone in any way if related to in real life suicide or death.

Examples of cases that are punishable:
kys, kill your self, jump of a cliff, shoot your self, hope your parents die, commit suicide.

In case you would like to include any other more words or examples for the "Examples of cases that are punishable" list make sure to DM me.


2. How to report more people in a short period of time ( Gameplay Reports and Chat Reports );

In this part I will be explaining and giving you some tips of how to report people more efficiently for both Chat Reports and Gameplay Reports, so I will divide this part into 2 sub-parts, one called "Gameplay reports" and other called "Chat reports".

A) Gameplay reports:

a) Switching Lobbies while having Tab toggled Technique:

This technique was one of the most used ones by me when I was still grinding for Badges and its pretty efficient, altho their anti cheat has got better and better recently. In order to do this all you will need to do is to go to lobby by using the command /lobby or /hub and hold Tab all time ( if there is any way you can toggle the Tab Key it would be even better ) and switch from lobby one to two, three, and so on till lobby 7 and do it again for some more times. What you will want to see in tab are users using hacked client that their usernames already tell that example:
- FDP clients ( Their usernames are all similar to this structure: FDPxx_xxxx or FxDxP_xxx ) x meaning a random character (alphanumeric ones)

Demonstration: View:

Tips: The usernames of FDP usernames will usually be places in the first list of usernames when opening tab as its one of the 1st letters of the alphabet so look at the first column more. A screen shot of their username its enough to get them banned from the server.

b) Switching Lobbies v2:
This one is similar to the other one stated above altho in this one you will need to watch every player you see in lobby and investigate their movements, if you see something suspect you can just start recording and report them in forums.

c) Punishments List:
This technique is very efficient and doesn't require a lot of work. You will simply open the Punishment List and select "Kicks" ( Every time you wantyou can reload it and maybe you will be able to see someone in the list that got kicked that either has a hacked client ( fdp's mostly as stated in a) ) or inappropriate usernames. After seeing those in the list you can simply issue the command /find <username> and if the user got online back you can simply report them in forums. Follow the following steps:




Tips for Diamond/Crystal ranked people: if you see a username that just got kicked from a minigame gamemode in Punishments List you can simply use the command /find <username> and see if they went back to that respective minigame, spectate and report them.

d) Spleef Kit:
Spleef is one of the kits where players camp the most as they can simply do it by glitching or just staying in the corner of arena and destroy all blocks near. Joining Spleef games can also give you free reports for inappropriate buildings as they can draw things in the snow too.

e) KitPvP Pearl Glitchers:
In the gamemode KitPvP you can find a lot of users that pearl glitch into blocks to kill you while you are in a safe box or just simply to get out faster from something. I would suggest you getting a alt account and leaving it in a box where people mostly pvp at and turn on OBS

B) Chat Reports:

a) Practice PvP AFK:

Simply staying afk recording the chat of the game with a recording software, preferable OBS as its simple and very professional. While that you can simply watch a movie or do whatever you want and you dont even need to stay specifically on mc window, OBS has a feature that allows you to record only 1 tab/window/application and not the entire screen. When you consider checking the recording you can simply spam skip the 30 seconds button, in case you dont feel yet good at fast detecting if a user broke a chat rule or not you can simply skip 30 seconds then pass fast with your eyes the words that people wrote and skip other 30 seconds and so on. Its important to skip 30 seconds and not any more or less since 30 seconds its usually how much it takes for a full page of chat to disapear from your screen. The chat should be opened like this:

You may also use the mod made by _Wiggels _Wiggels that has many features that may help you while chat reporting ( )

Extra information: You can also use Chat Filter stated in point 3 of this Guide to distinguish better what they say in chat.

3. What Chat Filter is and how to use it:
Chat Filter is a mod that is capable of separating and detect the certain message/word/text you wrote inside the filter and warn you that it got detected either with pings that you can manually set the sound, separating the text message into a other text box or mark with a other color the text message.
In the demonstration down below I will be explaining how to set up it.

Steps to set it up:
a) Select title of the filter, preferable the word you want to filter inside the respective filter, ex: if the word you want to filter is "word" the title name of filter should be "word".
b) Includes: In includes you should include the word you would like to filter, in this case I used the word "word".
c) Does not Include: In Does not Include you should put any message that is not similar to the one filtered, i prefer using a dot. In the example down below i used "."

Optional Configurations:
a) Play Sound: inside that section you are able to set any minecraft noteblock sound so when the filter detects something it will use the sound to warn you.
b) Highlight: with this feature you are able to eye-catch what you have set in the filter easier and it will change the background of the specific filtered message into a manually set color.



4. Rewards for Reporting
As a reporter you are able to get some roles such as: Active Reporter, Great Reporter and Sr. Reporter ( discord ) and Great Reporter ( in forums ) in case you meet the following requirements:

Discord roles requirements:
• Active Reporter: Chat Reports: [50] - Gameplay: [30]
• Great Reporter: Chat Reports: [120] - Gameplay Reports: [70]
• Senior Reporter: Chat Reports: [375] - Gameplay Reports: [150]

Forums role requirement:
Great Reporter:

Minimum 25 chat & 150 gameplay / 50 chat & 100 gameplay / 100 chat & 50 gameplay ACCEPTED reports.
Alright I guess that is all I wanted to include or this is the majority of the stuff I wanted to write in this Guide. Would like to give credits to:

Gurnoor_Live Gurnoor_Live for helping with some suggestions
toastt_x toastt_x for inspiring me on what I do
CR7811149 CR7811149 for the mopmop mod addition to the guide
Gg best guide I've ever seen


June 1, 2022
Hello, welcome to the "How to Report" Community Assistance thread.
Here I will be explaining into detail how to report someone and will make sure to give you as many tips as possible to make your reporting career easier. I will be separating this thread into more categories in the respective way:

• 1. In what case a chat rule its punishable according to JartexNetwork Global Rules
• 2. How to report more people in a short period of time ( Gameplay Reports and Chat Reports );
• 3. What Chat Filter is and how to use it;
• 4. Rewards for Reporting.

In case you remark that I forgot to mention something in this Thread or you would like to suggest it please make sure to DM me at: David123_vip1#4637 or in my forums conversation. In case you want to ask anything regarding any point mentioned in here feel free to contact me or a Staff Member. This Thread is made not only for starters but for medium and high level of reporters.


1. In what case something its punishable according to JartexNetwork Global Rules.

a) Chat Flood: Chat flood is basically when a player types random characters or type a message in 4/5 or more messages that could be written in 1 full messages in order to flood the chat in a way or other. In case you see someone spamming random characters in a short period of time like 2/3 times of 14 or lower amount of characters could also lead to a punishment of the player.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
assdsssdwerttyy ( 15 characters or more )
*after some seconds*

b) DDos/Dox Threats: Threating a player that you have their personal information, their IP adress or anything similar even if its a joke or not.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
I have your IP
I know your address noob
I will post on social media all info i know about you

c) Discrimination/Racism/Sexim: This rule doesn't allow players to a user insults someone by being racist, discriminative or sexist towards a member.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
The n word, f word (homophobic slur), slave, or any other way to bypass the word n word or others that respects the context.

d) Distributing/Asking for Nudes: doesn't allow players to ask or distributes nudes or nude related stuff as only fans, or others.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
Can i have your onlyfans?
Can i have boobs pics?
Can i see your body?

e) Excessive Caps: This rule doesn't allow players to type 5 or more messages in caps lock or more then 15 characters in caps lock. Also writing in a short period of time more messages in caps that are not 5 or more messages or 15 characters or more could lead to a punishment.
Examples of cases that are punishable:

f) Foreign Language: This rule doesn't allow players to talk in any language without it being in English and its not punishable for commonly used words if alone such as: Bounjour, Salute, Hola, etc.

g) General Rudeness: This rule doesn't allow players to insult each other in any way altho toxicity is allowed. Also be aware that general rudeness is not punishable in the gamemode Factions and you can insult the server or anything that is not a member/player, ex: Fuck you jartex, mf jartex hitreg, etc... .
Examples of cases that are punishable:
Fuck you, fuck u, fck u, bitch, beach ( depending on context ), mf ( depending on context ), mother fucker, bitchass, stfu, shut the fuck up, dumbass, cunt, son of a bitch, twat, dickhead, pussy, or any other way to bypass this words

h) Inappropriate Language/Behavior: This rule doesn't allow players to be inappropriate/sexual in any way possible.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
dick, pussy ( if in a sexual context ), penis, vagina, boobs ( if in a sexual context ), cock, testicles, masturbation, jizz, anus, porn, porn hub, jerk off, suck my dick, fucked your mom last night, or any other way to bypass this words

i) Light Advertising: This rule doesn't allow players to write the name of any server that is not from Crafti Games ( PikaNetwork, JartexNetwork, Brutal Prison, SnapCraft ) or Hypixel as its the most popular server of Minecraft.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
Come to <server name>
This server sucks, lets switch to <server name>

j) Spamming: This rule doesn't allow players to write send the same or similar message 3 or more times in a row in order to not flood the chat. Be aware that sending "gg" in practice pvp as a "fair play" reply after every game won/lost shouldn't lead to a punishment altho some staff members may punish you. If that happens ask a higher staff member to remove your punishment.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
hey my name is david
hey my name is david
hey my name is david ( if the user send 3 or more times the same message in a short period of time aka 30 seconds its punishable )
David David David ( in same message )

h) Swearing with a disease/disability: This rule doesn't allow players to use any kind of disease or disability to attack a player. Be aware that saying it not directed to a player ex: "smh this retarded hitreg", etc. is not punishable and stating that you have a disease/disability its not punishable.
Examples of cases that are punishable:
retard, braindead, autistic, autism, cancer ( if respecting the context of insult ), dwarfistic, epileptic

i) Death and Suicide Threats: This rule doesn't allow players to wish death or suicide of anyone in any way if related to in real life suicide or death.

Examples of cases that are punishable:
kys, kill your self, jump of a cliff, shoot your self, hope your parents die, commit suicide.

In case you would like to include any other more words or examples for the "Examples of cases that are punishable" list make sure to DM me.


2. How to report more people in a short period of time ( Gameplay Reports and Chat Reports );

In this part I will be explaining and giving you some tips of how to report people more efficiently for both Chat Reports and Gameplay Reports, so I will divide this part into 2 sub-parts, one called "Gameplay reports" and other called "Chat reports".

A) Gameplay reports:

a) Switching Lobbies while having Tab toggled Technique:

This technique was one of the most used ones by me when I was still grinding for Badges and its pretty efficient, altho their anti cheat has got better and better recently. In order to do this all you will need to do is to go to lobby by using the command /lobby or /hub and hold Tab all time ( if there is any way you can toggle the Tab Key it would be even better ) and switch from lobby one to two, three, and so on till lobby 7 and do it again for some more times. What you will want to see in tab are users using hacked client that their usernames already tell that example:
- FDP clients ( Their usernames are all similar to this structure: FDPxx_xxxx or FxDxP_xxx ) x meaning a random character (alphanumeric ones)

Demonstration: View:

Tips: The usernames of FDP usernames will usually be places in the first list of usernames when opening tab as its one of the 1st letters of the alphabet so look at the first column more. A screen shot of their username its enough to get them banned from the server.

b) Switching Lobbies v2:
This one is similar to the other one stated above altho in this one you will need to watch every player you see in lobby and investigate their movements, if you see something suspect you can just start recording and report them in forums.

c) Punishments List:
This technique is very efficient and doesn't require a lot of work. You will simply open the Punishment List and select "Kicks" ( Every time you want you can reload it and maybe you will be able to see someone in the list that got kicked that either has a hacked client ( fdp's mostly as stated in a) ) or inappropriate usernames. After seeing those in the list you can simply issue the command /find <username> and if the user got online back you can simply report them in forums. Follow the following steps:




Tips for Diamond/Crystal ranked people: if you see a username that just got kicked from a minigame gamemode in Punishments List you can simply use the command /find <username> and see if they went back to that respective minigame, spectate and report them.

d) Spleef Kit:
Spleef is one of the kits where players camp the most as they can simply do it by glitching or just staying in the corner of arena and destroy all blocks near. Joining Spleef games can also give you free reports for inappropriate buildings as they can draw things in the snow too.

e) KitPvP Pearl Glitchers:
In the gamemode KitPvP you can find a lot of users that pearl glitch into blocks to kill you while you are in a safe box or just simply to get out faster from something. I would suggest you getting a alt account and leaving it in a box where people mostly pvp at and turn on OBS

B) Chat Reports:

a) Practice PvP AFK:

Simply staying afk recording the chat of the game with a recording software, preferable OBS as its simple and very professional. While that you can simply watch a movie or do whatever you want and you dont even need to stay specifically on mc window, OBS has a feature that allows you to record only 1 tab/window/application and not the entire screen. When you consider checking the recording you can simply spam skip the 30 seconds button, in case you dont feel yet good at fast detecting if a user broke a chat rule or not you can simply skip 30 seconds then pass fast with your eyes the words that people wrote and skip other 30 seconds and so on. Its important to skip 30 seconds and not any more or less since 30 seconds its usually how much it takes for a full page of chat to disapear from your screen. The chat should be opened like this:

You may also use the mod made by _Wiggels _Wiggels that has many features that may help you while chat reporting ( )

Extra information: You can also use Chat Filter stated in point 3 of this Guide to distinguish better what they say in chat.

3. What Chat Filter is and how to use it:
Chat Filter is a mod that is capable of separating and detect the certain message/word/text you wrote inside the filter and warn you that it got detected either with pings that you can manually set the sound, separating the text message into a other text box or mark with a other color the text message.
In the demonstration down below I will be explaining how to set up it.

Steps to set it up:
a) Select title of the filter, preferable the word you want to filter inside the respective filter, ex: if the word you want to filter is "word" the title name of filter should be "word".
b) Includes: In includes you should include the word you would like to filter, in this case I used the word "word".
c) Does not Include: In Does not Include you should put any message that is not similar to the one filtered, i prefer using a dot. In the example down below i used "."

Optional Configurations:
a) Play Sound: inside that section you are able to set any minecraft noteblock sound so when the filter detects something it will use the sound to warn you.
b) Highlight: with this feature you are able to eye-catch what you have set in the filter easier and it will change the background of the specific filtered message into a manually set color.



4. Rewards for Reporting
As a reporter you are able to get some roles such as: Active Reporter, Great Reporter and Sr. Reporter ( discord ) and Great Reporter ( in forums ) in case you meet the following requirements:

Discord roles requirements:
• Active Reporter: Chat Reports: [50] - Gameplay: [30]
• Great Reporter: Chat Reports: [120] - Gameplay Reports: [70]
• Senior Reporter: Chat Reports: [375] - Gameplay Reports: [150]

Forums role requirement:
Great Reporter:

Minimum 25 chat & 150 gameplay / 50 chat & 100 gameplay / 100 chat & 50 gameplay ACCEPTED reports.
Alright I guess that is all I wanted to include or this is the majority of the stuff I wanted to write in this Guide. Would like to give credits to:

Gurnoor_Live Gurnoor_Live for helping with some suggestions
toastt_x toastt_x for inspiring me on what I do
CR7811149 CR7811149 for the mopmop mod addition to the guide
This compendium proved to be exceedingly advantageous to me as I aspire to join the esteemed ranks of the Jartex staff and emulate your remarkable and impressive persona, Daviddaraban.


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
June 14, 2020
This compendium proved to be exceedingly advantageous to me as I aspire to join the esteemed ranks of the Jartex staff and emulate your remarkable and impressive persona, Daviddaraban.
bro your english too modified to be understood by daviddaraban daviddaraban jk, david W 🤍🤍
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